
8051 모든 인터럽트

더월드 2020. 3. 4.


#define LEDs P0
unsigned char receivedChar=0;
unsigned char count=0;
unsigned char ti_flag=0;

void ext_int_0() interrupt 0

void ext_int_1() interrupt 2

void timer0_isr() interrupt 1
    TH0  = 0X4B;         // ReLoad the timer value for 50ms
    TL0  = 0XFD;
    if(timerCount >= 20) // count for 1sec delay(50msx20 = 1000ms = 1sec)
        timerCount = 0;
        LEDs =!LEDs;        // Toggle the LEDs every 1sec

void serial_isr() interrupt 4
    if(RI == 1)
        receivedChar = SBUF; 
        if(receivedChar == 'c') 
            count = 0;       // Clear the count if 'c' is pressed on serial terminal
        RI = 0;              // Clear the Receive interrupt flag
    else if(TI == 1)
        TI = 0;              // Clear the Transmit interrupt flag
        ti_flag = 1;

void serial_txChar(char ch)
    SBUF = ch;
    while(ti_flag == 1);
    ti_flag = 0;

void serial_txString(char *ptr)

void serial_txNumber(unsigned char num)
    serial_txString("\n\rCount = ");
    num = num%100;

void main()
    unsigned char old_count=0;
    SCON = 0x50;  // Asynchronous mode, 8-bit data and 1-stop bit
    TMOD = 0x21;  // Timer1 in Mode2 and Timer0 in Mode1
    TH1 =  0xFD;  // Load timer value for 9600 baudrate
    TR1 = 1;      // Turn ON the timer for Baud rate generation
    ES  = 1;      // Enable Serial Interrupt
    P3 |= 0x0c;   // Configure the INT0 & INT1 pins as Inputs
    EX0 = 1;      // Enable INT0
    EX1 = 1;      // Enable INT1
    TH0 = 0x4B;   // Load timer value for 50ms
    TL0 = 0xFD;
    ET0 = 1;      // Enable Timer0 Interrupt
    TR0 = 1;      // Enable Timer1 Interrupt
    EA  = 1;      // Enable Global Interrupt bit

    serial_txString("\n\rProgram to demonstrate all interrupts.");
    serial_txString("\n\rTimer0 Interrupt: Observe the LED blinking on P0");
    serial_txString("\n\rINT0 Interrupt: Press INT0 to increment the count");
    serial_txString("\n\rINT1 Interrupt: Press INT1 to decrement the count");
    serial_txString("\n\rSerial Interrupt: Press 'c' to clear the count \n\r");

        serial_txNumber(old_count); // Transmit the interrupt count value
        while(old_count == count);  // wait till the counter changes(INT0/INT1/Serial interrupts will change the counter)
        old_count = count;           

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